Monday 17 June 2013

Quaid-e-Awam University Girl Student Raped in Larkana

LARKANA: An 18-year-old student of first year Civil Engineering at the Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering and Science and Technology (QAUEST) Larkana was raped by her lecturer in an office of the university.

This correspondent learnt from sources in the QAUEST that a lecturer asked the girl to meet him in his office and when she entered, the lecturer closed the door and raped her. The incident was witnessed by employees of the university who immediately told their supervisor but the authorities dismissed both men. The principal later informed the vice chancellor.

The rape victim narrated the ordeal to this correspondent: “The lecturer called me to his office, asking me to receive the amount of a Money Order for me and raped me.” When contacted Principal Dr Manzoor Panhwar confirmed the incident and said a detailed report would be presented before the VC for further action.

On the other hand the two terminated staffers said: “We committed no crime. We only informed about the incident and our services have been terminated. We will file constitutional petition in the high court for provision of justice if the principal does not re-instate us.” Source = thenews

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